Monday, 23 May 2011

Final Proposal information

Final proposal;
Exploring the bed in a variety of states of “undress” through landscape.  
A persons bed is likely a place that they both spend a lot of time and often wish they could spend more. For many people their bed is an intimate place, one where they can escape the rest of the world, where they can rest, where they dream and on a purely physical level one where they sleep with others. Your bed is a place that fills needs that other places cannot. When people dream about beds it is said to represent security and safety.  
On a metaphorical level, a bed can be very representative of a person. Undressed, all beds comprise of the same elements; a very basic bed may be only be made up of a mattress. More advanced beds may entail foam, springs, slats and legs. But every bed has a mattress. Mattresses represent physicality.  Ultimately, every human has a body – on the whole they comprise of the same things and humanity is at a very basic level very uniform. This will be shown through images of a mattress; uniformity, repetition  
From that point people dress themselves; both physically with clothing, but also emotionally, through personality, experience and those who they associate themselves with.
How well that “dressing” holds up to the pressure of the world, the tosses and turns of the sleeping body, will show up in the end. Crinkled and creased sheets. At the end of the day, we have to throw off the “costume” and show the state we are in as individuals.

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