Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Artist inspirations - images to follow

Due to the enormous scope for interpretation of art, I feel it is sometimes hard to take elements of pieces I feel a connection to, for whatever reason, and re-create them in my own work. An example of this is the work of Edward Burtynsky. I could stare at it for hours, I love the percieved bigness, the examination of consumerism and globalisation and a adore the colour he achieves, however there is no-where in my chosen place to display many of these elements.

Following are some individual images from artists which I feel I can incorporate in my own work. In some cases I will contrast the artists work with my own from my initial shoot. The document with these images will follow in the next 24 hours.

However, these are the photograpghic inspirations:
Alec Soth
Andreas Gurskey
Elio Ciol
Lars Tunbjork
Neil Pardington

All of these men utilise and percieve space differently, yet each have features which I am attracted to and wish to re-create in my own work.

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