Thursday, 17 March 2011

Thoughts for the finals

The idea of how different light can be was apparent as I did my 3 different shoots, at three different times of the day in three different conditions and in three differnt mindsets about the space.

I want to communicate the bigness and the percieved coldness of the church at the beginning of my sequence. This is aided by the cool colours which are found within the central and theological parts of the church which is set in greys, purples, blues and cool off whites.

I also wish to show the contrast between where the windows let light in and where light is omitted from, such as areas of the seating, which was mentioned in my proposal as the contrast between knowledge and wisdom vs ignorance:

As the series continues I wish to go deeper into the church where the light becomes warmer, partially as the purple colours turn pink and partially due to the eye level stained glass. The setting also becomes closer and more intimate and the shapes change from very angular to more rounded as you enter the corridors around the central area.

With this in mind I may have to go do one more shoot on monday to capture some final perfect images.....


Light - the primary source of energy for the universe - is the central image of many religions and the photographer's chief resource. The word "photography" derives from the Greek and means, literally, “light writing.”

Chrsitianity uses light as a metaphor for a vairety of things. It can be seen as representing Chirst (" I am the light of the world..") or as a symbol for knowledge and wisdom combatting the darkness of ignorance. Also as a symbol of purity and selflessness as opposed to the opacity of selfishness.

Many cathedrals in history have been designed with a mutitude of windows to assist in drawing the eye toward heaven. As a result of the large population of church goers cathedrals can often be daunting as they are large cavernous buildings, where footsteps echo and eery choirs sing

With this is mind, I wish to communicate that idea of cavernous spaces and of the "battle" between darkness and light; knowledges and ignorance in the christian context.

Shoot 3 favourites

Contact Sheets Shoot 3

Shoot 2 favourites

Shoot 2 contact sheets

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Mini world

Took me a long time to work out how to make this work, and even now I'm not entirely sure this is the outcome i should have come to, however, its as far as I've made it.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Artist inspirations - images to follow

Due to the enormous scope for interpretation of art, I feel it is sometimes hard to take elements of pieces I feel a connection to, for whatever reason, and re-create them in my own work. An example of this is the work of Edward Burtynsky. I could stare at it for hours, I love the percieved bigness, the examination of consumerism and globalisation and a adore the colour he achieves, however there is no-where in my chosen place to display many of these elements.

Following are some individual images from artists which I feel I can incorporate in my own work. In some cases I will contrast the artists work with my own from my initial shoot. The document with these images will follow in the next 24 hours.

However, these are the photograpghic inspirations:
Alec Soth
Andreas Gurskey
Elio Ciol
Lars Tunbjork
Neil Pardington

All of these men utilise and percieve space differently, yet each have features which I am attracted to and wish to re-create in my own work.

Monday, 7 March 2011

A small selection of my favourites

Stained Glass
A locked Door
Looking outward
Wall-less Chapel


The first the panorama I completed:
St Pauls Catherdral

My attempt to use PhotoMerge. I added a larger variety of frames to attempt to get a David Hockney Panographic style image:

This is an image from David Hockney's collection which acted as an inspiration:


Contact Sheets

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Add a significant photographic image from the 20th/21st century.

Holding it down G. Zimbel, 1954

On the night of September 11, 1954  a crowd of people, both fans and photographers waited until late into the night for Marilyn Monroe to act one of her most famous scenes; one that would push her fame well past the length of her life, the scene from the seven year itch.

During the 50's this scene must have been considered both wild and overtly sexual. To my generation it still holds these traits.

The subject of the photograph, Marilyn Monroe represented hollywood glamour, sex and beauty. She was a world renound figure and must have been an exciting subject to shoot.


Testing, testing 1.2.3....